Announcement Dates for BIST Companies' Nine-Month Financial Results


Announcement Dates for BIST Companies' Nine-Month Financial Results

According to the notifications submitted to the Public Disclosure Platform by BIST companies, we have listed the companies that will announce their 9-month financial results in the near future. Additionally, you can find the dates for the ordinary and extraordinary meetings of the companies in the continuation of our content.

Announcement Dates for Companies' 2024 9-Month Financial Results

Adel Kalemcilik (ADEL): 30/10/2024
Atakey Patates (ATAKP): 30/10/2024
Büyük Şefler Gıda (BIGCH): 30/10/2024
Inveo Yatırım (INVEO) Holding: 30/10/2024
Teknosa (TKNSA): 30/10/2024
Brisa (BRISA): 31/10/2024
Yapı Kredi (YKBNK) Bankası: 31/10/2024
Otokar (OTKAR): 01/11/2024
Anadolu Isuzu Otomotiv (ASUZU): 04/11/2024
Coca-Cola (CCOLA) İçecek: 04/11/2024
Tofaş (TOASO): 04/11/2024
Aygaz A.Ş. (AYGAZ): 05/11/2024
Ford Otomotiv (FROTO): 05/11/2024
Kalekim (KLKIM): 05/11/2024
Migros (MGROS): 05/11/2024
Tüpraş (TUPRS): 05/11/2024
Akenerji (AKENR): 06/11/2024
Polisan (POLHO) Holding: 06/11/2024
Sabancı Holding (SAHOL): 06/11/2024
Türk Telekom (TTKOM): 06/11/2024
AG Anadolu Grup (AGHOL): 07/11/2024
GÜR-SEL Turizm (GRSEL): 07/11/2024
Koç Holding (KCHOL): 07/11/2024
Turkcell (TCELL): 07/11/2024
Kontrolmatik (KONTR): 08/11/2024
Katılımevim (KTLEV): 08/11/2024
BİM (BIMAS): 11/11/2024
Borusan Birleşik Boru (BRSAN): 11/11/2024
Doğuş Otomotiv (DOAS): 11/11/2024
Pegasus (PGSUS): 11/11/2024

General Assembly Dates for BIST-Listed Companies

Katılımevim: Extraordinary - 02/12/2024
Gübre Fabrikaları (GUBRF): Extraordinary - 25/11/2024
Koç Metalurji (KOCMT): Extraordinary - 22/11/2024
Smartiks Yazılım (SMART): Ordinary - 21/11/2024
Ford Otomotiv: Extraordinary - 20/11/2024
Merko Gıda (MERKO): Extraordinary - 14/11/2024
Koton Mağazacılık (IS:KOTON): Extraordinary - 11/11/2024
Türk Traktör (TTRAK): Extraordinary - 06/11/2024
Ral Yatırım (RALYH) Holding: Extraordinary - 06/11/2024
Katmerciler (KATMR): Ordinary - 06/11/2024
Net Holding (NTHOL): Extraordinary - 05/11/2024
Tek-Art İnşaat (TEKTU): Ordinary - 01/11/2024
Batıçim (BTCIM): Extraordinary - 31/10/2024
Tapdi Oksijen (TNZTP): Extraordinary - 31/10/2024
Investco Holding (INVES): Ordinary - 31/10/2024
Verusa Holding (VERUS): Ordinary - 31/10/2024
Batısöke (BSOKE) Söke Çimento: Ordinary - 31/10/2024
Pamukova Yenilenebilir (PAMEL): Ordinary - 30/10/2024
Verusaturk Girişim (VERTU): Ordinary - 30/10/2024
Euro Yatırım (EUHOL) Holding: Ordinary - 30/10/2024