Title: "903,509 Tons of Cow's Milk Collected by Dairy Enterprises in September"


Title: "903,509 Tons of Cow's Milk Collected by Dairy Enterprises in September"

The amount of cow's milk collected by commercial milk enterprises increased by 14.9% in September compared to the same month of the previous year, and by 9.8% in the January-September period compared to the same period of the previous year. According to a statement from the Turkish Statistical Institute (TÜİK), cow cheese production increased by 11.6%, ayran production by 9.2%, yogurt production by 0.9%, drinking milk production by 7.2%, and butter production by 13.9% in September compared to the same month of the previous year. In the January-September period, cow cheese production increased by 6.2%, ayran production by 12.9%, yogurt production by 7.2%, drinking milk production by 3.9%, and butter production by 11.9% compared to the same period of the previous year.

Collected cow's milk and produced dairy products amount, September 2024 (Ton)

September January-September
2023 2024
-------- ----------- -----------
Collected cow milk 786,165 903,509
Drinking milk 126,223 135,343
Yogurt 110,858 111,856
Ayran 76,139 83,178
Cow cheese 63,152 70,505
Butter 6,790 7,731

The percentages in the table are calculated based on rounded figures. The amount of cow's milk collected by commercial milk enterprises, which was 933,514 tons in the previous month, decreased by 3.2% in September to 903,509 tons.

Drinking milk production, which was 124,876 tons in the previous month, increased by 8.4% in September to reach 135,343 tons.